黃奕豪 副教授
辦公室:花明樓TB512 研究室


  • 國立雲林科技大學環境與安全衛生工程所 博士
  • 國立雲林科技大學環境與安全衛生工程所 碩士
  • 國立高雄科技大學環境與安全衛生工程系 學士


  • 吳鳳科技大學消防系 專任 (助理教授)
  • 鼎鑫聯合科技有限公司 經理
  • 逢甲大學專業建築學院 兼任 (助理教授)
  • 國立勤益科技大學化工與材料工程所 兼任 (助理教授)




  • 甲級消防風險管理師
  • 消防設備士
  • 防火管理人
  • 初級救護技術員EMT-1
  • 防災士
  • 乙級勞工安全衛生管理員
  • 丙種勞工全衛生業務主管
  • 有機溶劑作業主管
  • 特定化學物質作業主管
  • 粉塵作業主管
  • 缺氧作業主管
  • 甲級空氣污染防治專責人員
  • 甲級廢水處理專責人員
  • 甲級毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員
  • CSTI第一線應變操作員 (FRO)
  • 室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員
  • OHSAS 18001 主任稽核員
  • ISO 14001 主任稽核員
  • ISO 9001 主任稽核員
  • Autodesk Certified User
  • ISC3-GS6-Master
  • Business Planner
  • Enterpreneurship and Small Business


  1. 消防性能式設計
  2. 建築物防火與避難評估
  3. 消防安全設備之設計規劃
  4. 火災調查與火場災因鑑定
  5. 火災風險評估
  6. 全量化危害風險評估
  7. 防火防爆
  8. 製程危害分析
  9. 職業安全衛生
  10. 毒性及關注化學物質安全管理及應變



  1. Yi-Hao Huang,2022, Using Fire Dynamics Simulator to Reconstruct a Fire Scene in a Hospital-Based Long-Term Care Facility, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (JLPPI), DOI 1016/j.jlp.2022.104863. (SCI-E)
  2. Jen-Hao Chi, Chung-Hao Wu, Yi-Hao Huang and Chi-Min Shu, 2022, Recycling furnace slag and fly ash from industrial byproducts to produce slag/ash based zeolite as a new adsorbent material, SCIENCE PROGRESS, Vol. 104(S3) 1–20. (SCI)
  3. Yi-Hao Huang, Yet-Pole I, 2021, Development of a 3D risk analysis technique for fire disaster and its application on accident simulation of a public site, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (JLPPI), Volume 69, doi 10.1016. (SCI)
  4. Yi-Hao Huang, Jen-Hao Chi, Chi-Min Shu, 2018, Calorimetric investigation of a thermal hazard accident involving the heat insulation material in a crude oil piping system, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 56, Pages 170-180. (SCI)
  5. Yi-Hao Huang, Chung-Cheng Chiang, Yet-Pole I, Chuen-Tzay Kuo, Sheng-Hung Wu, Jyh-Ping Hsu, Jean-Claude Charpentier, 2013, Incompatible reaction evaluation and accident investigation of various acids in chemical industries, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 114, Issue 3, pp 1225-1229. (SCI)
  6. Yi-Hao Huang, Yet-Pole I, Nan-Chi Chen, Sheng-Hung Wu, Jao-Jia Horng, Yung-Tin Wu, I-Jyh Wen, 2013, Thermal Runaway Reaction Evaluation of Benzoyl Peroxide Using Calorimetric Approaches, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 113, Issue 2, pp 595-598. (SCI)
  7. Sheng-Hung Wu, I-Jyh Wen, Chung-Cheng Chiang, Shu-Hsiang Hsu, Chuen-Tzay Kuo, Yung-Tin Wu, Yi-Hao Huang, 2013, Effects of various fire-extinguishing reagents for thermal hazard of triacetone triperoxide (TATP) by DSC/TG, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 113, Issue 2, pp 991-995. (SCI)
  8. Sheng-Hung Wu, Jun-Yen Wu, Yung-Tin Wu, Jin-Chuan Lee, Yi-Hao Huang & Chi-Min Shu, 2013, Explosion evaluation and safety storage analyses of cumene hydroperoxide using various calorimeters, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 111, Issue 1, pp 669-675. (SCI)
  9. Sheng-Hung Wu, Jen-Hao Chi, Yung-Tin Wu, Yi-Hao Huang, Feng-Jen Chu, Jao-Jia Horng, Chi-Min Shu, Jean-Claude Charpentier, 2012, Thermal hazard analysis of triacetone triperoxide (TATP) by DSC and GC/MS, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 25, Issue 6, pp. 1069–1074. (SCI)
  10. Sheng-Hung Wu, Hung-Cheng Chou, Ryh-Nan Pan, Yi-Hao Huang, Jao-Jia Horng, Jen-Hao Chi & Chi-Min Shu, 2012, Thermal hazard analyses of organic peroxides and inorganic peroxides by calorimetric approaches, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 109, Issue 1, pp 355-364. (SCI)