林文江 副教授
- 美國亞歷桑那大學(University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA)化工博士
- 消防學系副教授(94-現職)
- 資訊管理系副教授(92-93)(吳鳳技術學院)
- 資訊科技系副教授(91)(稻江科技暨管理學院)
- 化工系副教授(84-90)(吳鳳技術學院)
- 秘書室主任秘書(99~108)
- 進修部主任(94-98)(吳鳳技術學院)
- 進修部註冊組長(92-93)(吳鳳技術學院)
- 人事室主任(89)(吳鳳技術學院)
- 課務組長(84-88)(吳鳳技術學院)
- 助理化學工程師(74-75)(台灣水泥公司)
- 燃燒工程
- 燃燒廢氣污染控制
- 消防化學系統
- Zhao, Y. and Lin, WC, “Multi-functional sorbents for the simultaneous removal of sulfur and lead compounds from hot flue gases”, J. Hazardous Materials, B103, 43-63, 2003.
- 趙毅,林文江,“利用固體吸附劑控制「燃燒器尾氣」中毒性金屬技術”,化工於污染防治專刊,化工,第49卷第2期,117-124,2002。
- 趙毅,林文江,“可同時吸附焚化廢氣中重金屬及酸性化合物之多功能固體吸附劑的製備研究”,國科會工程科技通訊,化工,第五十七期,88-90,2001。
- 趙毅,林文江,“焚化廢氣中氯化鉛之捕獲”,台大工程學刊,第八十三期,83-89,。
- Lin, WC, Wendt, JOL, Cole, JA and Rumbaugh, JR, “Acetylene interference with hydrogen cyanide determination by selective ion electrode”, Environmental Science and Technology, 28, 1394-1396, 1994.
- 紀茂傑、林俊昱、林文江、盧添源,“建築防火課程學習成效之教學實踐研究”,International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2021,8, B1-108, Vol. 1 of 2., ICSSMET2021。
- 王子誠、紀茂傑、林文江、盧添源,“連棟住宅排煙方式分析之研究-以水力排煙效能為例”,International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2021,21, B1-110, Vol. 1 of 2., ICSSMET2021。
- 林耿成、紀茂傑、林文江、盧添源,“嘉義市消防安全設備檢查執行現況”,International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2021,34, B1-112, Vol. 1 of 2., ICSSMET2021。
- 陳永興、紀茂傑、林俊昱、林文江,“連消防安全檢查執行現況分析與檢討-以嘉義市消防局水上分隊為例”,International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2021,44, B1-113, Vol. 1 of 2., ICSSMET2021。
- 何銘子、林文江、施明章,“淺金屬槽深度對反射電磁場的影響,How the Depth of Shallow Metal Trough Affects the Reflected EM Fields”,International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2020,309, A1-013, Vol. 1 of 2., ICSSMET2020。
- 黃俊孝、紀茂傑、林文江,“鋼結構建築物火災特性與消防搶救,Fire Characteristics and Rescue on Steel Structures”,International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2020,104, B1-005, Vol. 1 of 2., ICSSMET2020。
- 林文江,張慶進,蘇銘宏,“電氣設備防火安全預知保養技術應用,Prediction Maintenance Technology Application in Fire Safety of Electrical Power Switchgear Devices”,吳鳳學報,113-124,第5卷,第15期,2007.12.
- Zhao, Y. and Lin, WC, “Removal of Sulfur and Metallic Contaminants from Hot Flue Gases”, 吳鳳學報第九期,177-185,2001.
- Lin, KS, Lin, WC and Lin, C., “Synthesis of Zeolites ZSM-5 and ZSM-48 from Gasification Ashes of Agricultural Wastes”, The 6th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (EARTH 2001), pp.610-615, Gyeongju, Korea, October 23-25, 2001.
- Zhao, Y. and Lin, WC, “High-Temperature Adsorption of Sulfur and Metal Contaminants on Multi-Funtional Sorbents”, The CIChE Annual Meeting and Conferences, Preceedings 2000 Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Applications, 2000年中國化學工程學會年會暨輸送現象及其應用研討會論文級,環境保護組,65-75,2000。
- Zhao, Y. and Lin, WC, “High Temperature Adsorption of Lead Compounds on Solid Sorbents”, The CIChE Annual Meeting and Conferences, Proceedings 1999 Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Applications, 1999年中國化學工程學會年會暨輸送現象及其應用研討會論文級,環境保護組,235-238,1999。
- 趙毅,林文江,”利用微過濾技術處理研磨廢水”,半導體洗淨節水及環境技術國際研討會論文集,72-99,December,1999。
- Lin, K.S., H.P. Wang and W.C. Lin, “Supercritical Water Oxidation of 2-Chlorophenol Catalyzed by CuO/ZSM-48 Synthesized from Rice Husk Ash”, The CIChE Annual Meeting and Conferences, Proceedings 1999 Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Applications, pp.223-226, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, December, 1999。
- 林錕松、林文江、王鴻博,”By-products Shape Selectivity of 2-Chlorophenol Catalyzed by CuO/ZSM-5 in Supercritical Water Oxidation“,第十七屆台灣區觸媒及反應工程研討會論文集,199-204,長庚大學,June,1999。
- 林文江,林錕松,”修正差分法之推導及其於對流擴散火焰求解之應用”,第十三屆全國技職教育研討會論文集,工業類Ⅳ,化工組,261-270,May,1998。
- 林錕松,林文江,周志儒,王鴻博,”垃圾衍生燃料熱解動力之研究”,第十三屆全國技職教育研討會論文集,工業類Ⅳ,化工組,165-174,May,1998。
- 林錕松,林文江,翁御棋,王鴻博,”超臨界濕式氧化反應觸媒之EXAFS研究”,第十六屆台灣區觸媒及反應工程研討會論文集,110-115,June,1998。
- 林錕松、林文江、王鴻博,”氯酚在超臨界濕式氧化處理技術之研究“,第十二屆全國技術及教育研討會論文集,工業類IV,297-304,朝陽技術學院,April,1997。
- 林文江,Jost O.L. Wendt, “擴散火燄環境於二次燃燒減除氮氧化物之應用”,第十一屆全國技職教育研討會論文集,工業類Ⅳ,269-278,March,1996。
- SCJP, Sun Certified Java Programmer, 2005/03/08.
- AutoCAD 2010 Certified Professional, 2009/12/30, #00074683
- 3.Autodesk Certified User: AutoCAD, 2021/04/26, # wnE3c-4S6d